Report of judgments, advisory opinions and other decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: African Court Law Report Volume 2 (2017-2018)
ISSN: 2663-3248
Pages: 648
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About the publication
This is the second volume of the Report of judgments, orders and advisory opinions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. This volume covers decisions from 2017 to 2018.
The volume includes all the Judgments, including Separate and Dissenting Opinions, Advisory Opinions, Rulings, Decisions, Procedural Orders and Orders for Provisional Measures adopted by the Court during the period under review. Each case has a headnote setting out a brief summary of the case followed by keywords indicating the paragraphs of the case in which the Court discusses the issue.
A subject index at the start of the reports indicates which cases discuss a particular issue.
This index is divided into sections on general principles and procedure, and substantive issues.
Table of Contents
User Guide
Table of Cases
Alphabetical Table of Cases
Abubakari v Tanzania (interpretation) (2017) 2 AfCLR 134
Actions pour la Protection des Droits de l’Homme (APDH) v Côte d’Ivoire (interpretation) (2017) 2 AfCLR 141
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights v Kenya (merits) (2017) 2 AfCLR 9
Ajavon v Benin (re-opening) (2018) 2 AfCLR 466
Ajavon v Benin (provisional measures) (2018) 2 AfCLR 470
Paulo v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 446
Anudo v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 248
Association pour le Progrès et la Défense des Droits des Femmes Maliennes and the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa v Mali (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 380
Diakité v Mali (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2017) 2 AfCLR 118
William v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 426
Evarist v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 402
Gombert v Côte d’Ivoire (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2018) 2 AfCLR 270
Guehi v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2018) 2 AfCLR 477
Isiaga v Tanzania(merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 218
Johnson v Ghana (provisional measures) (2017) 2 AfCLR 155
Jonas v Tanzania (merits) (2017) 2 AfCLR 101
Kemboge v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 369
Kouma and Diabaté v Mali (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 237
Mango v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 314
Makungu v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 550
Mugesera v Rwanda (provisional measures) (2017) 2 AfCLR 149
Mulindahabi v Rwanda (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2017) 2 AfCLR 145
Nguza v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 287
Nyamwasa and Others (interim measures) (2017) 2 AfCLR 1
Onyachi and Njoka v Tanzania (merits) (2017) 2 AfCLR 65
Ramadhani v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 344
Request for Advisory Opinion by l’Association Africaine de Défense de Droits de l’Homme (Advisory Opinion) (2017) 2 AfCLR 637
Request for Advisory Opinion by Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (Advisory Opinion) (2017) 2 AfCLR 594
Request for Advisory Opinion by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria and the Coalition of African Lesbians (Advisory Opinion) (2017) 2 AfCLR 606
Request for Advisory Opinion by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria and Others (Advisory Opinion) (2017) 2 AfCLR 622
Request for Advisory Opinion by the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (Advisory Opinion) (2017) 2 AfCLR 572
Chrysanthe v Rwanda (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2018) 2 AfCLR 361
Thomas v Tanzania (interpretation) (2017) 2 AfCLR 126
Umuhoza v Rwanda (merits) (2017) 2 AfCLR 165
Umuhoza v Rwanda (reparations) (2018) 2 AfCLR 202
Werema v Tanzania (merits) (2018) 2 AfCLR 520
Woyome v Ghana (provisional measures) (2017) 2 AfCLR 213
Subject Index
Instruments Cited
Cases Cited
Contentious Matters
Advisory Proceedings