Report of judgments, advisory opinions and other decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights:  African Court Law Report Volume 3 (2019)
ISSN: 2663-3248
Pages: 776
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Electronic version: Free PDF available


About the publication

This is the third volume of the Report of judgments, orders and advisory opinions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. This volume covers decisions from 2018 to 2019.

The volume includes all the Judgments, including Separate and Dissenting Opinions, Advisory Opinions, Rulings, Decisions,Procedural Orders and Orders for Provisional Measures adopted by the Court during the period under review.

Each case has a headnote setting out a brief summary of the case followed by keywords indicating the paragraphs of the case in which the Court discusses the issue. A subject index at the start of the reports indicates which cases discuss a particular issue. This index is divided into sections on general principles and procedure, and substantive issues.

Table of Contents


User Guide


Alphabetical Table of Cases

  Abubakari v Tanzania (reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 334
  African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights v Kenya (intervention) (2019) 3 AfCLR 411
  African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights v Kenya (intervention) (2019) 3 AfCLR 424
  African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights v Kenya (review) (2019) 3 AfCLR 419
  Aguehi and others v Côte d’Ivoire (joinder of cases) (2019) 3 AfCLR 743
  Ajavon v Benin (merits) (2019) 3 AfCLR 130
  Ajavon v Benin (reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 196
  Aka Yao and Sanogo v Côte d’Ivoire (joinder of cases) (2019) 3 AfCLR 739
 ALS v Mali (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 73
  Anthony and Kisite v Tanzania (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 470
  Benyoma v Tanzania (re-opening of pleadings) (2019) 3 AfCLR 520
  Bunyerere v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 702
  Chalula v Tanzania (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 232
  Charles and others v Côte d’Ivoire (joinder of cases) (2019) 3 AfCLR 529
  Chrysanthe v Rwanda (review) (2019) 3 AfCLR 400
  Damian v Tanzania (leave to amend) (2019) 3 AfCLR 8
  Diomandé and others v Côte d’Ivoire (joinder of cases) (2019) 3 AfCLR 741
  Gihana and others v Rwanda (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 655
  Habiyalimana and Miburo v Tanzania (leave to amend) (2019) 3 AfCLR 1
  Hassani v Tanzania (re-opening of pleadings) (2019) 3 AfCLR 518
  Ivan v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 48
  Jeshi v Tanzania (re-opening of pleadings) (2019) 3 AfCLR 437
  Johnson v Ghana (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 99
  Josiah v Tanzania (merits) (2019) 3 AfCLR 83
  Juma v Tanzania (leave to amend) (2019) 3 AfCLR 6
  Kakobeka v Tanzania (re-opening of pleadings) (2019) 3 AfCLR 537
  Kalilou and Ibrahim v Côte d’Ivoire (joinder of cases) (2019) 3 AfCLR 533
  Kisase v Tanzania (re-opening of pleadings) (2019) 3 AfCLR 435
  Koutché v Benin (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 725
  Lazaro v Tanzania (leave to amend) (2019) 3 AfCLR 4
  Malengo v Tanzania (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 356
  Mallya v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 482
  Mango and Mango v Tanzania (review) (2019) 3 AfCLR 405
  Mango and others v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 439
  Manyuka v Tanzania (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 689
  Mulindahabi v Rwanda (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 367
  Mulindahabi v Rwanda (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 378
  Mulindahabi v Rwanda (jurisdiction and admissibility) (2019) 3 AfCLR 389
  Mussa and Mangaya v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 629
  Ndajigimana v Tanzania (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 522
  Nganyi and others v Tanzania (reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 308
  Nhabi v Tanzania (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 10
  Penessis v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 593
  Rajabu and others v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 539
  Rashidi v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 13
  Suy Bi and others v Côte d’Ivoire (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 732
  Taudier and others v Côte d’Ivoire (joinder of cases) (2019) 3 AfCLR 722
  Thomas v Tanzania (reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 287
  Vedastus v Tanzania (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 498
  Woyome v Ghana (merits and reparations) (2019) 3 AfCLR 235
  XYZ v Benin (joinder of cases) (2019) 3 AfCLR 434
  XYZ v Benin (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 745
  XYZ v Benin (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 750
  XYZ v Benin (provisional measures) (2019) 3 AfCLR 754

Subject Index
Instruments Cited 
Cases Cited



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