Report of judgments, advisory opinions and other decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights:  African Court Law Report Volume 4 (2020)
ISSN: 2663-3248
Pages: 926
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Electronic version: Free PDF available


About the publication

This is the fourth volume of the Report of judgments, orders and advisory opinions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. This volume covers decisions of 2020.

The volume includes all the Judgments, including Separate and Dissenting Opinions, Advisory Opinions, Rulings, Decisions, Procedural Orders and Orders for Provisional Measures adopted by the Court during the period under review.

Each case has a headnote setting out a brief summary of the case followed by keywords indicating the paragraphs of the case in which the Court discusses the issue. A subject index at the start of the reports indicates which cases discuss a particular issue. This index is divided into sections on general principles and procedure, and substantive issues.

This fourth volume of the African Court Law Report includes 59 decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Decisions are sorted chronologically with decisions dealing with the same case (eg procedural decisions, orders for provisional measures, merits judgments and reparations judgments) sorted together. A table of cases setting out the sequence of the decisions in the Report is followed by an alphabetical table of cases. The Report also includes a subject index, divided into sections on procedure and substantive rights. This is followed by lists of instruments cited and cases cited. These lists show which of the decisions include reference in the main judgment to specific articles in international instruments and case law from international courts and quasi-judicial bodies.

Each case includes a chapeau with a brief summary of the case together with keywords and paragraph numbers where the issue is discussed by the Court or in a separate opinion.

The year before AfCLR in the case citation indicates the year of the decision, the number before AfCLR the volume number (4), while the number after AfCLR indicates the page number in this Report.

Table of Contents


Viking & anor v Tanzania, Application 006/2015
Order (reopening of pleadings), 10 February 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Viking & anor v Tanzania, Application 006/2015
Reparations, 8 May 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Kodeih v Benin, Application 008/2020
Order (provisional measures), 28 February 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Kodeih v Benin, Application 006/2020
Order (provisional measures), 28 February 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Anudo v Tanzania, Application 012/2015
Order (reopening of pleadings), 8 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Kajoloweka v Malawi, Application 027/2020
Order (provisional measures), 27 March 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Koutche v Benin, Application 013/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 2 April 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

XYZ v Benin, Application 010/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 3 April 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

XYZ v Benin, Application 059/2019
Judgment, 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

XYZ v Benin, Application 010/2020
Judgment, 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mwita v Tanzania, Application 012/2019
Order (provisional measures), 9 April 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Ajavon v Benin, Application 027/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Ajavon v Benin, Application 062/2019
Order (provisional measures), 17 April 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Ajavon v Benin, Application 062/2019
Judgment, 4 December 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Sandwidi v Burkina Faso & 3 ors, Application 014/2020 & 017/2020
Order (joinder of cases), 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Sandwidi & anor v Burkina Faso & 3 ors, Application 014/2020 & 017/2020
Ruling (provisional measure), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Cheusi v Tanzania, Application 004/2015
Judgment, 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Elisamehe v Tanzania, Application 028/2015
Judgment, 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mulindahabi v Rwanda, Application 004/2017
Judgment, 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mulindahabi v Rwanda, Application 005/2017
Ruling (admissibility), 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mulindahabi v Rwanda, Application 010/2017
Ruling (admissibility), 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mulindahabi v Rwanda, Application 011/2017
Ruling (admissibility), 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Woyome v Ghana, Application 001/2020
Ruling (review), 26 June 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Suy Bi Gohore Emile & ors v Côte d’Ivoire, Application 044/2019
Judgment, 15 July 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Konaté & Doumbia v Côte d’Ivoire, Application 036/2019 & 037/2019
Ruling (provisional measures) 15 July 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Kambole v Tanzania, Application 018/2018
Judgment, 15 July 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Malengo v Tanzania, Application 001/2019
Judgment (application for review) 15 July 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mango & anor v Tanzania, Application 005/2015
Order (reopening of pleadings), 4 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Soro v Côte d’Ivoire, Application 012/2020
Order (provisional measures), 15 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Akouedenoudje v Benin, Application 024/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Gbagbo v Côte d’Ivoire, Application 025/2020
Order (provisional measures), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Hossou & anor v Benin, Application 016/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR

Jonas v Tanzania, Application 011/2015
Judgment on reparations, 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Kulukuni v Tanzania, Application 007/2018
Order, 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Luchagula v Tanzania, Application 007/2016
Ruling (jurisdiction and admissibility), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR
Lyambaka v Tanzania, Application 010/2016
Ruling (admissibility) 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mornah v Benin & ors, (intervention by Mauritius) Application 002/2020
Ruling (intervention), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Mornah v Benin & ors (intervention by Sahrawi), Application 001/2020 & 028/2018
Ruling (intervention), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mallya v Tanzania, Application 018/2015
Order (striking out), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Mlama & ors v Tanzania, Application 019/2016
Judgment, 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Sissoko & 74 ors v Mali, Application 037/2017
Judgment, 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Traore v Mali, Application 010/2018
Ruling: Admissibility, 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Wanjara & ors v Tanzania, Application 033/2015
Judgment, 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Noudehouenou v Benin, Application 003/2020
Order (provisional measures), 5 May 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Noudehouenou v Benin, Application 004/2020
Order (provisional measures), 6 May 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Noudehouenou v Benin, Application 003/2020
Order (provisional measures), 25 September 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Noudehouenou v Benin, Application 028/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Noudehouenou v Benin, Application 032/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR 

Noudehouenou v Benin, Application 003/2020
Judgment, 4 December 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Bocoum v Mali, Application 023/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 23 October 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Legal and Human Rights Centre and Tanganyika Law Society v Tanzania, Application 036/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 30 October 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Dicko & ors v Burkina Faso, Application 037/2020
Ruling (provisional measures), 20 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Lazaro v Tanzania, Application 003/2016
Order (reopening of pleadings), 20 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Selemani v Tanzania, Application 042/2019
Order (provisional measures), 20 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Selemani v Tanzania, Application 042/2019
Order (Amendment of Pleadings), 20 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Boateng & 351 ors v Ghana, Application 059/2016
Ruling (jurisdiction), 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Collectif Des Anciens Travailleurs de la Semico Tabakoto v Mali, Application 009/2018
Ruling (jurisdiction and admissibility), 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR
Mugesera v Rwanda, Application 012/2017
Judgment, 27 November 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  

Ramadhani v Tanzania, Application 010/2015
Order (re-opening of pleadings) 19 August 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  


Request for Advisory Opinion by the Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU), Application 001/2018
Advisory Opinion, 4 December 2020 (2020) 4 AfCLR  




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