Africa’s trade facilitation preparedness & ethical property rights
Edited by Gbadebo Odularu, Bamidele Adekunle & Caiphas Chekwoti
ISBN: 978-1-7764485-4-8
Pages: 319
Print version: Available
Electronic version: Free PDF available


About the publication 

With the AfCFTA in force and several regional integration initiatives ongoing in Africa, effective implementation promises an economic growth and development trajectory that defi nes the ‘Africa we want’ as posited by the African policymakers within the context of the African Union’s ‘Agenda 2063’. This is more evident with emerging dynamics characterised by unprecedented shocks and fast-paced evolution in the digital space. The implications of these dynamics beckon a rethinking of the strategies for riding on and above the wave. This book delves into some of the policy intricacies and generates both insights on emerging shocks, digitalisation, intellectual property rights and raises interesting issues for further reflection. It is a great read that illuminates critical trade issues with important policy implications.

Table of Contents

About the editors and contributors
List of tables
List of figures

 Chapter 1
Digital platforms, unfair trade, and computational competition  
Gbadebo Odularu and Caiphas Chekwoti

 Chapter 2
Hidden asymmetries: Enhancing trade through traceability, crypto-labelling and ethical property rights  
Bamidele Adekunle, Christine Kajumba and Adewale S Bello

 Chapter 3
The role of HRM practices in firm innovation and product competitiveness: Implications for intra-regional trade, evidence from firms in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania  
Caiphas Chekwoti

 Chapter 4
Africa-gendered trade capacity: Geographical indications perspective 
Sand Mba-Kalu

 Chapter 5
Incomplete contracts, bleeding FTAs, and digital trade in the AfCFTA context  
Gbadebo Odularu

 Chapter 6
Trade in services in West Africa: Intellectual property right and trade facilitation  
Folasade B Adegboye and Tolulope F Adesina

 Chapter 7
Women digital entrepreneurship, trade and the new equation  
Iraoya A Okhale and Gbadebo Odularu

 Chapter 8
Trade facilitation: Understanding the political economy of non-tariff barriers in sub-Saharan Africa  
Bamidele Adekunle and Glen Filson

 Chapter 9
Vaccine inequity and ethically anti-fragile competition laws  
Gbadebo Odularu and Bamidele Adekunle



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