Shining new light on the UN Migrant Workers Convention
by Alan Desmond
ISBN: 978-1-920538-73-6
Pages: 373
Print version: Available
Electronic version: Free PDF available

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About the publication

The UN Migrant Workers Convention is the most comprehensive international treaty in the field of migration and human rights. Adopted in 1990 and in force since 2003, it establishes the minimum standards of human rights protection to which migrant workers and members of their families are entitled. However, it is the least well known of the core international human rights instruments and has so far been ratified by only 51 states.

This volume shines new light on obstacles and opportunities facing the Convention, its added value in international human rights law and its application in selected state parties. It combines the expertise of academics and practitioners, with the contributions of the latter informed by work on policy and advocacy in NGOs, international organisations and specialised agencies.

Table of Contents

François Crépeau
Introduction: The continuing relevance of the UN ICRMW 
Alan Desmond

Part I: Obstacles and opportunities

  1. The politics of the UN Migrant Workers Convention 
    Antoine Pécoud
  2. Making rights in times of crisis: Civil society and the Migrant Workers Convention 
    Lisa Simeone and Nicola Piper

    Part II: The ICRMW in international human rights law
  3. The Migrant Workers Convention: A legal tool to safeguard migrants against arbitrary detention 
    Mariette Grange
  4. Indirect success? The impact and use of the ICRMW in other UN fora 
    Stefanie Grant & Beth Lyon
  5. Putting things into perspective: The added value of the substantive provisions of the ICRMW 
    Athanasia Georgopoulou, Tessa Antonia Schrempf & Denise Venturi
  6. Working together to protect migrant workers: ILO, the UN Convention and its Committee 
    Ryszard Cholewinski

    Part III: Application of the ICRMW in selected state parties
  7. Universal citizens globally, foreign migrants domestically: Disparities in the protection of the rights of migrant workers by Ecuador 
    Daniela Salazar
  8. Guatemala's implementation of the ICRMW: Emerging efforts 
    Cathleen Caron, Kathleen Griesbach, Ursula Roldan & Roxana Sandoval
  9. Mexico and the ICRMW: Protecting women migrant workers
    Gabriela Díaz Prieto and Gretchen Kuhner
  10. The ICRMW and Sri Lanka 
    Piyasiri Wickramasekara

    Part IV: Relevance notwithstanding non-ratification
  11. The ICRMW and the US: Substantive overlap, political gap 
    Beth Lyon
  12. A vexed relationship: The ICRMW vis-à-vis the EU and its member states 
    Alan Desmond


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