Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa
Edited by Danie Brand & Christof Heyns
ISSN: 062034086x
Pages: 309
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About the publication
This book is aimed at practicing lawyers, academics and other specialists interested in constitutional socio-economic rights, especially in South Africa. In most cases, South African as well as overseas authors worked together to write the different chapters. The authors were briefed to provide an overview and analysis of the available international and local legal materials on the various socioeconomic rights recognised in the South African Constitution, and to introduce readers to current legal issues regarding these rights. At a minimum, the contributions reflect the law as at the end of January 2004.
Each of the contributions to the book was peer reviewed by an independent specialist prior to publication. Sandra Liebenberg reviewed the introduction chapter; Russel Wildeman the chapter on the right to education; André van der Walt the chapter on the right to housing; Karrisha Pillay the chapter on rights concerning health; Marie Ganier-Raymond the chapter on the right to food; Bronwen Morgan the chapter on the right to water; Nick de Villiers the chapter on the right to social security and assistance, and Michael Kidd the chapter on environmental rights.
In addition to the authors and reviewers, thanks are due to the following people: Lizette Besaans did the cover layout and was responsible for the task of formatting the manuscript. Waruguru Kaguongo spent considerable time assisting with double checking references and getting the manuscript ready for publication. Tina Rossouw and Liana Viljoen, working with Shirley Schröder from the Oliver R Tambo Law Library of the University of Pretoria, compiled the indexes. Help was also provided by the doctoral students of the Centre for Human Rights. Denise Fourie did most of the proofreading. John Adolph, Lawrence Mashava, Karen Stefiszyn and Matseleng Lekoane provided research assistance. Isabeau de Meyer assisted with formatting the text. We also thank Gill Jacot-Guillarmod. The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights generously financed the project.
This book builds on a series of publications on socio-economic rights edited by Gina Bekker and Lawrence Mashava, published by the Centre for Human Rights in 1999 and 2000. We also want to give recognition to the fact that some of the material published here was used in the Ten Years Review of Democratic Governance of the South African Human Rights Commission (2005).
This book is the first to be published by the Pretoria University Law Press (PULP). The objective of PULP is to produce high quality legal texts, focusing specifically (although not exclusively) on issues of public international law in Africa. One of the main driving forces behind PULP is Frans Viljoen, who contributed greatly to the production of this book, as a model for future PULP publications. Nick Grové and Duard Kleyn created the space in which PULP could be established. Marie Ferreira, Faculty Manager of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pretoria, manages PULP. We thank Pieter van der Spuy for his assistance on intellectual property issues.
About the editors:
Danie Brand is Associate Professor at the University of Pretoria
Christof Heyns is Professor of Human Rights Law, Co-director of the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa at the University of Pretoria and United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
Table of Contents
Full table of contents
- 1. Introduction to Socio-economic rights in the South African Constitution
Danie Brand - 2. The right to education
Faranaaz Veriava and Fons Coomans - 3. The right to housing
Pierre de Vos - 4. Rights concerning health
Charles Ngwena and Rebecca Cook - 5. The right to food
Danie Brand - 6. The right to water
Anton Kok and Malcolm Langford - 7. The right to social security and assistance
Linda Jansen van Rensburg and Lucie Lamarche - 8. Environment rights
Loretta A Feris and Dire Tladi
Table of cases
Table of statutes
Table of international instruments
Other international documents
Subject index
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