State party reporting and the realisation of children’s rights in Africa
Edited by Remember Miamingi
ISBN: 978-1-920538-87-3
Pages: 335
Print version: Available
Electronic version: Free PDF available

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About the publication

Human rights norms will largely remain hollow if they are not translated into the lived realities of people on the ground. Given the diversity and complexities of human rights norms, the arrays of institutions, mechanisms and resource required to give full effect to these norms, implementation of human rights norms is a continuous and progressive undertaking. Progress, to be meaningful, should have milestones and mechanisms for tracking it. The reporting mechanisms are human rights’ monitoring and evaluation plans and systems to track progressive implementation. This book provides an assessment of the reporting mechanisms of child rights treaty bodies. It highlights what is working or not working and why, making recommendations for further improvement of the reporting mechanism to better work for children in Africa. The findings and recommendations in the book are based on a study commissioned by the Centre for Human Rights, to assess the effects of reporting to United Nations and African Union child rights treaty bodies on the enjoyment of rights, protection and welfare of children in Africa. It covers 17 African countries, and provides a historical snapshot of the situation as at the end of 2017.

Table of Contents

Editor’s note

1 An introduction to the children’s rights reporting mechanisms
R Miamingi & F Viljoen

2 An overview of the country studies
P Eriamiatoe

3 The effects of reporting on the realisation of children’s rights in Central Africa (Chad, Congo and the DRC)
UM Assim

4 The precariousness and paradox of rights: The impact of reporting on the rights of the child in Kenya, Eritrea and Rwanda
P Jones

5 Children’s rights in North Africa: An assessment of the status of children’s rights through state party reports by Algeria, Egypt and Morocco
K Murphy

6 The effects of state reporting on the rights of the child in Southern Africa: Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius and Tanzania
A Miamingi

7 The impact of reporting on the realisation ofchildren’s rights in West Africa: Case studies of Mali, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo
B Olugbuo

8 The role of National Human Rights Institutions in enhancing the impact of children’s rights reporting in Africa
J Sloth-Nielsen


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