Pretoria Student Law Review 2007-1
Edited by Francisca Pretorius, Avani Singh, Jonathan Swanepoel, Johann Spies and Gus Waschefort
ISSN: 1998-0280
Pages: 95
Print version: Available
Electronic version: Free PDF available

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About the publication

The Pretoria Student Law Review is a student-run law journal, aimed at offering student researchers the opportunity to participate in discussions and debates about the law. In addition to material produced by students at the University of Pretoria, articles and contributions from other faculties in South Africa and abroad will be considered for publication. The approach is experimental, investigative, sometimes challenging. Not conventional.


Table of Contents

Editors’ note

  • 1. Poverty alleviation and the control of public revenue in Nigeria: Legal and equitable issues
    Emmanuel Okon
  • 2. Shielding those who highlight the emperor’s new clothes - does the Constitution demand a journalistic privilege?
    Jonathan Swanepoel
  • 3. Why must I cry? Justification, sacrifice, loneliness, madness and laughter in postapartheid judicial decision-making
    Michael Bishop
  • 4. The struggle for recognition and politics of indemnity: A feminist jurisprudential approach to President of the Republic of South Africa v Hugo
    Amit Parekh
  • 5. The magistracy and judicial independence: A state of mind or the state of circumstances?
    Dawn Neethling
  • 6. Human rights and American foreign policy
    Johann Spies
  • 7. For the sake of saving a viable life: Arguments for court orders preventing termination of pregnancy procedures and the forcing of in utero surgery in surrogacy agreements
    Gustav Preller and Ian Learmonth

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