Pretoria Student Law Review 2010 - 4
Editor in chief: Ian Learmonth
ISSN: 1998-0280
Pages: 98
Print version: Available
Electronic version: Free PDF available

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About the publication

After much ado the fourth edition of the little purple journal has arrived. Once again it includes articles which discuss varying areas of law, written by students from all levels of academia. As in each of the previous editions we are pleased to report that we received excellent articles from a number of first year undergraduate students and take particular delight in the publication of Joel Modiri’s submission entitled Race and Racialism.

For the first time we have included an article from the opposite end of the spectrum, that being the work of a highly recognised legal academic writer, Professor Karin Van Marle, as a featured article. I would like to thank her for her submission and for the assistance she has provided to the editorial board.

The 2010 editorial board is also the first not to include any of the founding editors. Each year the journal which they started in 2007 has= experienced growth in its circulation, as well an increase in the number and quality of the submissions received. I think it is appropriate to thank, Gus Waschefort, Johan Spies, Avani Singh and Jonathan Swanepoel for their role in establishing this journal. I further add that the PSLR editorial board eagerly carries on in their footsteps.

I would also like to thank my fellow editors for their assistance with the publication of this edition, in particular Jared Luke Schultz and Ulrich Fobian who arranged for the final compilation and publication of this edition. As well as Ashlin Perumal for the front cover.

Furthermore special thanks are due to Elzet Hurter, Professor Anton Kok, Lizette Besaans and the Heads Of Departments at the University of Pretoria Faculty of Law without whom administrative issues and the peer review process would not have been possible and, more importantly, this publication would never have succeeded in reaching print.

Editors: Ulrich Fobian, Jared Luke Schultz, Natasha Mandizha, Ashlin Perumal, Godwin Kakande
Assistant Editors: Khomotso Moshikaro, Justin Leach (March 2010 to May 2010)

Table of Contents

  • Editors’ note
    I. Learmonth
  • Why write?
    K. Van Marle
  • Revisiting the bipolar distinction in the characterisation of armed conflicts
    W. Ochieng
  • The material law protection of wild animals
    JP. Liebenberg
  • Race and rac(ial)ism, the politics of peace and friendship in a liberal constitution
    J. Modiri
  • A call for a difference in treatment between child and adult offenders in the South African parole system: an international law
    I. Gueorguieva
  • Ambush Marketing: The perspective
    R. Kgobokoe
  • The great move towards openness in adoption
    N. Da Rocha
  • The state of temporary employment services in democratic South Africa
    T. Nkabinde

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