Guidelines for legal representatives of children in civil matters
Editors: Ann Skelton and Carina du Toit
ISBN: 978-1-920538-49-1
Pages: 28
Print version: Available
Electronic version: Free PDF available

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About the publication

It goes without saying that the role of the child representative is imperative. Children must be listened to and their voices be heard. They must be included in the decision-making about their futures and allowed to actively participate in matters that affect their wellbeing for, in Dr Seuss’ words, ‘a person’s a person, no matter how small.’

These guidelines, compiled by Ann Skelton and Carina du Toit were developed through a partnership between Legal Aid South Africa
and the Centre for Child Law.

Legal Aid South Africa funded two national workshops held at their offices in Johannesburg which were attended by legal aid
practitioners who work with children at Justice Centres around South Africa, listed below:
Achmed Mayet, Ajanta Dheba, Andre du Plessis, Annerie Niewenhuizen, Antoinette Oosthuizen, Anton Marx, Ashok Kaloo, Cara Alberts,
Charles Ramatsoele, Corne Lindeque, Dick Kubana, Elizabeth Nieuwoudt, Errol Abrahamson, Fatima Laher, Herman Alberts, Kanki
Masoetsa, Kesertri Govender, Krishna Maharaj, Leonie Els, Liezel Du Toit, Lilla Crouse, Marie van der Walt, Marryna Steenkamp, Michael
Miller, Nompakamiso Mlor, Patrick Motsitsa, Paul Kelegile, Pinky Vuthela-Skosana, Renaat Bodart, Rosemarie Leipoldt, Sharon Soko -
Alexandra JC, Upkaar Mungar.

Their pooled knowledge and experience gave shape to the guidelines and enhanced their practicability.

About the editors:

Prof Ann Skelton is the Director of the Centre for Child Law
Carina du Toit is an attorney at the Centre for Child Law

Table of Contents


  1. The purpose of these guidelines
  2. Background
  3. Current legal assistance available to children in civil matters in South Africa
  4. Two models of legal representation
  5. Differentiation between care and contact and care and protection matters
  6. When do children require legal representation?
  7. Initial stages
  8. The Guidelines

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